World Book Day!

The UK has a very contagious reading culture.

The habit of reading is something I find very fascinating, being a book lover myself! In the UK, you’ll find people reading books on the bus, train, plane, in the park, on the streets, and even while walking on the road (which is unsafe btw) lol. They not only read books, but they also read and leave for others to read. You could be walking around a neighborhood and find books lying outside someone’s house with the caption “they’re free, help yourself”.

Snapshots of book lovers reading on the train/bus – captured by Progress Oberiko

“Free books, please help yourself”

In charity shops, you’ll find tons of donated books sold at very cheap rates. It is such a lovely culture. And lately, as a bookworm, I’ve found myself retracing my steps back to my first love – books! I’ve recently started Investing in books again and falling in love with my reading passion all over again. Not only with hard copy books but also audiobooks. 

Last year, I completed the audiobook version of Chimamanda’s Americanah, and at the beginning of this year, I read the audiobook version of 48 Laws Of Power. I’m currently reading a pretty new book, published this year (2022), titled—The Seven Questions, authored by Nick Hatter. I love it🤩! 

I really enjoy reading non-fiction books, and I suppose this is because I write mostly non-fiction too.

Books I got from Charity shops/library (the last book was authored by me)! 

Within the last year, I’ve topped up my personal library with a number of books I got from charity shops. And I’ve also recently registered at the Swiss Cottage Library in Camden–giving me free access to amazing books!

March 3rd marks World book day! And the theme of this year’s WBD is: You are a reader!

Do you find it difficult to read a book? What’s your reading strategy? 

Do you feel guilty when you fail to finish reading a book from cover to cover? 

Here’s what you should know: There’s a different way of reading books effectively! I just recently learned how to read a book without feeling guilty about finishing it. And this is by identifying and reading only chapters that you find relevant, or that speak to you! I learned this style from the legendary Jay Shetty.

Photocredit~ Chika Onnu (Instagram)
Photocredit~ Chika Onnu (Instagram)

You are a reflection of what you read

In case you’re looking for something to read, here are some books on my to-read list as well:

  • How to stop worrying and start living
  • The subtle act of not giving a fuck – Mark Mansion 
  • Think like a monk – Jay Shetty
  • Attitude is everything – Jeff Keller
  • How to talk to anyone – Leil Lowndes
  • Games people play – Eric Berne
  • Nonviolent communication – Marshall B Rosenberg
  • Boundaries – Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend
  • Thinking fast and Slow – Daniel Kahneman
  • Cues – Vanessa Van Edwards

As a writer and author myself, I know for sure that It is not an easy task to write a book or even an essay. So in commemoration of World Book Day, I celebrate all writers and authors–all those who have written a book or are in the process of writing one; and also all those who love to buy/read books! It is true that we are a reflection of what we read. We gradually begin to mirror what we feed our minds with, which is why it is essential that we watch what we consume mentally!

Progress Oberiko

I am so excited because I am currently writing–not just a book, but more than one book! Although the process has not been easy, I cherish it, and I can’t wait to see how it turns out. My principle with writing has always been “don’t rush it”! And this is exactly the advice I am taking!

Mention someone whose writing inspires you, or any book lover you know!

Happy WBD!

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I am a people-centered Writer and Storyteller with over 12 years experience. I curate stories, articles and essays using lived experiences.


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