“If someone ghosts you, respect the dead and move on.”
I saw this quote somewhere, and in as much as I strongly agree with the post, I also believe that there are arguably situations where it might be the wrong advice.
I once had a friend who for some reason decided to stop speaking to me. And whenever I try to reach out to him I was snubbed and got no response. I took this personally, given that we had no prior brawl, and there was no reason for such behavior. I had every reason to believe that I was being ghosted, and I believed so.
But following my gut feeling, I thought I should double-check. So I continued reaching out to him via chats, and eventually, he responded! He said he had been going through a phase of depression following the loss of his mom, hence his silence.
I became so empathetic with him, understanding that I wasn’t actually being ghosted.
I have since come to learn that our assumptions might not always be right. You can be so sure yet so wrong about someone’s attitude. This is why it is best to take it easy and give people the benefit of the doubt.
Life should not always be tit for tat.
However, there are circumstances where people need to be placed where they deserve. In a situation where you are 100% certain that you are being ghosted for sure, then maybe take the initial advice, respect the dead and move on.
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