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Talking about this short girl Judith. The girl don follow me taya. From being coursemates in school to waffi, soté we enta motor together from waffi kon land for Obubra camp. She can worry sha! She’s got ginger in everything.
When we arrived camp she secured two bottom-bunks for us and we lay opposite each other. We shared almost everything together. She can be very annoying in the morning when she wakes me up by 4am even before the sound of the bugle. That time wen you only wanna be left with your bed and continue sleeping till further notice.
I can vex eh. I’ll be like “O God, wen will dis nonsense stop? “Mthcheew! Which kain life be dis one sef? We’ll wake up and go and fetch water. (Nor be like all those big babes wen go dey pay money to “Water-to-fetch dealers”.) We’ll bath together in one bathroom and end up dragging soap or arguing about her loud mess “PRAAAR”!
We’ll go to the meditation ground and stand in our different platoon lines but she’ll still jump like a small monkey from her line and coman look for my trouble and gossip with me in my platoon line. 🤫Hmm she’s something else! Tho we share same birth month, she appears to be more convivial and extroverted, displaying her “waffi” character everywhere she goes like Mtn.
Before i say ‘Jack’, Judith earned popularity in camp and became a friend of everyone. Tho she’s brief in height, her back side complemented by her broad hips Issa topic for anoda day. “Hips don’t lie”. U don’t wanna know how those hips confused soldiers and officials in camp
She’ll be moving from bunk to bunk causing wahala. Even Lois, Laye, Nelly and Òpe can testify. Chai! Judith is down to earth, she nor dey form. We seldom visited mammi, cos we nor fit start watin we nor go fit finish. Lol.
Our meal tickets was always ticked. we were like twins as we washed our plates and go to the kitchen together, at times we helped each other get food, and be taking insults from all those kitchen officials who will be asking interrogative questions like say we won tiff food. Person Don suffer sha!
Camera men will not allow somebody rest, following people upandan wit picture, picture!
On getting our redeployment letters, our hearts broke when we saw that NYSC set us apart with different Lga. Even at that, distance was still not a barrier, infact as I type, she’s lying on my bed, pressing her phone. Judith is bae. Just chill as I tell you about the soldiers in my next post
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